Blessings to you all as August starts to wind down and the end of the dog days of summer is in sight. Yes, it will still be a while before fall-winter comes but it has been a nice break around Suffolk recently. The last of our facility projects for the year will be completed shortly and there will be light in the parking area again. We were able to welcome a loved one back to worship today and offer prayers for their visit with the doctor in the near term. As always, worship is exciting if nothing else. And, for those who are local, there’s still time to get a spot to join us for fellowship next Sunday – just call Don or Marcella.

We gathered to offer prayers for healing today, for those on our prayer list and for those who are in need of prayers. We affirmed today that God knows the needs of humanity before we ask and that God supplies according to our need. We heard some difficult readings today that tell parts of the church’s story that aren’t always popular or encouraging. We heard Isaiah tell that, regardless the efforts of the prophets and the gifts given by God, the people still did what they wanted and didn’t produce what God had planted in them. The writer to the Hebrews recounted the story of the elders and wove in the truth that “the story” is them, us, and those who follow us. Luke’s gospel, where we spend some time, reminded us that Jesus came to bring about change and that those who disturb us also help us recalibrate ourselves for God. The life we live and story we tell is filled with the good, the bad, and the ugly – and that’s quite alright.

I invite your comments,

Readings: Isaiah 5:1-7; Psalm 80:1-2, 8-18; Hebrews 11:29-12:2; Luke 12:49-56

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