Dear Friends,

Greetings to you on Thursday of Easter Week. I pray you are well and have recovered from the family activities surrounding Easter – food and family.

Our spiritual health is strengthened in the Resurrection of Jesus and our participation in the community of believers. We, as a Parish, stand at the beginning of a new tomorrow in our Diocese. Our Bishop, Susan Haynes, has been with us for three years and has become integrated in the life of the churches in the Diocese. In her tenure, Christianity and the Episcopal Church have experienced a call to change in the way we are Church.

Part of our future will be encouraged by reviving the spirit which was bestowed on us at our baptism and is a consequence of our constant renewal in Christ. We, as members of the Diocese of Southern Virginia will have a Revival which find our consciences challenged, our spirits renewed, and our hearts uplifted through worship, music, sacraments, and, of course, Bishop Curry’s stirring words. A brief video from Bishop Curry can be viewed here on YouTube.

Join me on April 22 at Hampton University, beginning at 2:30 pm, for the Revival in the Diocese of Southern Virginia. I look forward to the encouragement offered by the Most Rev. Michael Curry as he helps all of us celebrate our renewal and revival. Having heard Bishop Curry, I know the event will be invigorating, enlightening, and rewarding for everyone. Registration is required, so we can know how many will attend the Revival. This is the link for Revival 2023 Registration. If you have questions about what the day will look like, more details can be found on the Diocesan website.

Join me in 9 days to hear and be encouraged in our walk with Christ in Suffolk.
