In worship we returned to the “Ordinary Time” after last week’s foray with the Transfiguration. We were given the reminder that our ability to think and do right things only comes through the power of the Holy Spirit. That we, who have been touched by the Spirit, are able to live only by the Spirit. In our Hebrew Scripture from Genesis we heard the story of the animosity between Joseph and his brother. How, when the tension in a family is left to fester unchecked great division can ensue. We hear a story of people who depend on themselves to succeed. Our Psalmist sang a song to remind us that God’s deeds are what sustains us in the mess that can be our life. Our New Testament lesson from Paul’s letter to the Romans serves as reminder that the word of God is not something “out there” but is something that exists inside us. Our mission is to unveil the word of God and share it with others so they can see the word of God in themselves.
Our sermon today was based on the reading from Matthew’s gospel, the account of Jesus coming to the Disciples by walking on the water and once there, Jesus calms the storm (again). We hear a story of Jesus who sends his disciples to do what they could and needed to do, even when they end up stuck in the storm of their life. Jesus reminds them, and us, that believers will be okay, that Jesus will not abandon us, and that we can do more than we can imagine.
I invite your comments,
Readings: Genesis 37:1-4, 12-28; Psalm 105:1-6, 16-22, 45b; Romans 10:5-15; Matthew 14:22-33
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