Our worship began with an affirmation that God understands our frailty and the scope of God’s graciousness for those who recognize their separation and have faith that God will provide answers when we honestly ask our questions. Our Hebrew Scripture reading from Genesis recounts God’s direction to Abram to go from his country to the promise land. And if Abram is faithful, he will recognize God’s grace for eternity. Our Psalmist sings the reminder that our help comes from God alone, the one who created all things. Our Epistle from Paul’s letter to the Romans, Paul tells his people that our salvation is based on God’s grace and our faith that God will actually be gracious. Our sermon is based on John’s gospel reading, a text which includes the renowned “John 3:16.” In this reading, Jesus reminds Nicodemus that God sent the Son into the world to save, not to condemn humanity. Jesus does this by fielding the tough questions of our faith and how we live like God’s chosen people.
I invite your comments,
Readings: Genesis 12:1-4a; Psalm 121; Romans 4:1-5, 13-17; John 3:1-17
Listen at: https://audiomack.com/fatherles-1/song/sermon-from-the-2nd-sunday-in-lent