James River Tree Service – James River Tree Service did a fabulous job removing 4 trees from the grounds and has opened up the front of the sanctuary. We’re taking ideas for erosion control and brightening up the front of the church. Please contact a vestry member if you have an idea.
Parish Register Transition – Please welcome George Mears as the new Parish Register. He was affirmed at the July Vestry meeting. He succeeds Kathy Ferguson as Register. Many thanks to Kathy for her faithful service.
July 22, 2018, 10:30 am Holy Eucharist Rite II
Lessons for Ninth Sunday after Pentecost
First Lesson: 2 Samuel 7:1-14a
Psalm 89:20-37
Second Lesson: Ephesians 2:11-22
Gospel: Mark 6:30-34, 53-56
Lay Participants for July 22, 2018 – 10:30 am service
Acolyte: Kathy
Lector: Jim
Prayers: Kathy
Ushers: David & Lynn
Refreshments: Volunteer needed
Sermon from July 15: https://chirb.it/4EEt7a
Healthy Suffolk – Healthy Suffolk is coordinating a healthy eating, active living, and chronic disease management initiative. They will use gardening, movement, and improved health literacy to assist a minimum of 100 individuals over a 3-year period. If you would like to participate or find out more about the initiative, contact the Rector.
Minister of Music Vacation – We will welcome Mrs. Jean Marshall as our substitute organist on August 5 and August 12 while Roger is away on vacation/retreat. She has served with us previously, please welcome her back when she’s here.
Formation Classes – We will continue our discussion of “The Sermon on the Mount” (Matthew 5-7). We expect this study will take a couple weeks to complete. All are invited to join the conversation in the Parish Hall from 9:15 to 10:15 am.
Sunday’s Psalm – This Sunday we sing the portion of the Psalter together using a metrical version of the Psalter from A New Metrical Psalter by Christopher Webber as we sing Psalm 89:20-37 together. The Psalm will be set to Hymn 193, “This Easter day with joy was bright” (Puer Nobis), from the Hymnal. The words and music will be found on a bulletin insert.
Church Quiz – Over the coming weeks we will have a “Church Quiz” as part of our announcements and e-News. All are invited to think about and answer the week’s question. Answers will be provided the following week.
Last week’s question and answer: Question Concerning the books of Joshua: which testament is it in? What division is it in? How many chapters does it have? Answer: The book of Joshua is found in the Historical Books division of the Old Testament; it has 24 chapters.
This week’s question: Concerning the book of Jude: which testament is it in? What division is it in? How many chapters does it have? Look for the answer next week.
Hospitality hour Sign-up – The sign-up sheet is on the bulletin board; please sign-up for an upcoming Sunday. If you would like to help but cannot provide all the items for coffee hour/lemonade on the lawn any assistance, even a single item, will be graciously accepted.
Upcoming Parish Events – Aug. 7 – National Night Out; Aug. 14 – Vestry Meeting.
Thought for the week – Dependence: I confess that I am not very good at asking others for help. That is a crucial survival skill, so I am slowly opening to the fact that I really am dependent upon my Brothers, not to mention our Interns, our staff, our benefactors and so many others. All that mutual dependence is good practice for the radical dependence that God desires.
– Br. Keith Nelson, SSJE
Society of Saint John the Evangelist
Upcoming Events:
Online calendar: http://stjohnsepiscopal-suffolk.org/parish-calendar/
Online events listing: http://stjohnsepiscopal-suffolk.org/events/
Sun. Aug. 5th * Substitute Organist
Tue. Aug. 7th * National Night Out – 6:00 – 9:00 pm (Chuckatuck Volunteer Fire Department)
Sat. Aug. 11th * James River Rug Hookers – 10:00 am – 3:00 pm (Parish House)
Sun. Aug. 12th * Substitute Organist
Tue. Aug. 14th * Vestry Meeting – 7:00 – 9:00 pm (Parlor)
Fri. Aug. 17th * Rector Vacation through August 24
Sun. Aug. 26th * Parish Crab and Brats fellowship dinner – 5:00 – 7:00 pm (Parish Hall)
For Michael, our presiding bishop; Holly, our bishop; Jay our assistant bishop; and for Les, our priest.
Meriwether, Allen, Lon, Steve, Marvin, Leone, Virginia, Jimmye, Kevin, Margaret, Richard, Mike and Gail, Opal, Carolyn, Diane, Tanya, Charles, Ann, Lee, Bernice, Virginia, Patti, John David, and Clemmie.
Serving in the Armed Forces and Overseas: Alexander, Leon, Thomas, Alan, Sheldon, Elizabeth, Brandon, and Bryan.
Parish Cycle of Prayer: Claiborne
Diocesan Cycle of Prayer: Holy Apostles’ Church, Virginia Beach; Old Donation Church; Virginia Beach.
Anglican Cycle of Prayer: The Episcopal Church in the Philippines.
Flower dedication: To the Glory of God and memory of Jane-Ring Crane by Bette Claiborne.
Birthdays in July
Cross 08 Elsie 12
Diane 24 Ann 29
If you are in need of Pastoral Care
Please call Father Ferguson
Home: 757-484-8409
Minister of Music: Roger Peyton
Website: http://StJohnsEpiscopal-Suffolk.org
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St. John’s Episcopal Church, Suffolk VA