Red Cross Blood Drive – Our next Blood Drive is Thursday May 19 from 2:00 – 7:00 pm in the Parish Hall. Spread the word and help give the gift of life. If anyone would like to volunteer for registration, please contact the Rector.
Pentecost Sunday – June 5th is Pentecost. Weather permitting, we will have the worship service at the pond altar. Following the service will be a potluck lunch. Look for more information in a future email.
Bishop’s Convocation IV Open Office hours – On Wednesday, June 29, Bishop Haynes will be visiting Convocation IV to meet with clergy and parish members. She will meet with people from 9:30-11:30 am and 2:00-4:00 pm. She and her staff will be at Glebe Church.
General Convention – The Executive Board of the Episcopal Church has modified the upcoming General Convention in July. Due to COVID issues, the Convention will be 4 days and the Executive Council has requested Dioceses limit their delegations to the primary delegates and one alternate.
Worship Service video – A post-production video of worship will be on our YouTube channel on Sunday afternoon. A link to the video will be provided separately. Our channel URL is at this link.
May 22, 2022, 10:30 am Holy Eucharist Rite II
Lessons for the Sixth Sunday of Easter
First Lesson: Acts 16:9-15
Response: Psalm 67
Second Lesson: Revelation 21:10, 22-22:5
Gospel: John 14:23-29
Lay Participants
Chalicist/Prayers of the People: Marcella
Lector: Lynn
Usher: Lynn
Video of worship from May 15:
Sermon from May 15:
Camp Chanco – The Camp Chanco Staff is soliciting assistance over the summer. They are looking for a Registered Nurse who can serve as Camp Nurse. They are also looking for Camp Counselors to assist. See the Camp Chanco website for more details.
Church grounds news – Please be aware of the dangers in the church yard. It appears the poison ivy is out in force on some of the trees at the back of the grave area. Thankfully, most is on the trees but there could be a random vine in reach.
Parish Trustees – We are looking for a volunteer to serve as a Parish Trustee. If you are willing to serve or need more information about the requirements for serving, please contact the Rector.
Ukrainian Relief – The Episcopal Relief and Development is gathering and sending relief assistance to the Ukraine. Donations to Episcopal Relief & Development’s Ukraine Crisis Response Fund will help the organization and its partners continue to provide assistance to people displaced by the crisis in Ukraine. Please consider assisting with this call to minister.
Sponsoring Altar Flower – There is a signup sheet to sponsor flowers during 2022 in the Sanctuary. Please signup to help enhance the appearance of the Sanctuary during worship. Contact Lynn if you have any questions.
Thought for the week – Change: Because Jesus, our Risen Savior promises to be with us always, to the end of the age, we can even face confidently that final and greatest change, which is death itself: when “we shall all be changed – in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye.”
– Br. Geoffrey Tristram, SSJE
Society of St. John the Evangelist
Upcoming Events:
Online calendar:
Online events listing:
Thu. May 19th * Vestry Meeting – 10:00 am – 12:00 pm (Parlor)
* Red Cross Blood Drive – 2:00 – 7:00 pm (Parish Hall)
Tue. May 24th * Card Crafters – 10:00 am – 12:00 pm (Parish Hall)
Mon. May 30th * Memorial Day – Office closed
Sun. Jun. 5th * Pentecost Sunday – worship outdoors and picnic
Tue. Jun. 7th * Zoom conversation on change in the Church – 6:30
For Michael, our presiding bishop; Susan our bishop; and for Les, our priest.
Meriwether; Allen; Lon; Jimmye; Diane; Ann; Kim and family; Carroll; Cynthia; Richard and family; Richard; Linda; Vicky-Ann; Cathy; Dotty; George; David; and Brendan.
Serving in the Armed Forces and Overseas: Alexander, Leon, Alan, Sheldon & Elizabeth, and Bryan.
Parish Cycle of Prayer: Steven & Susan
Diocesan Cycle of Prayer: The Rev. Dr. Terrence Walker
Anglican Cycle of Prayer: Pray for the Church of Province of South East Asia
Flowers on the altar are given to the glory of God and in memory of Elvira by Suze.
Birthdays in May
Claudia 10 Margaret 10
Bert 24
If you are in need of Pastoral Care
Please call Father Ferguson.
Home: 757-484-8409
Minister of Music: Roger Peyton
YouTube Channel: St. John’s Chuckatuck
YouTube Channel:
Follow us on Facebook:
St. John’s Episcopal Church, Suffolk VA