Sunday Worship – We will hold our worship service this Sunday, Sep. 4, in the Parish Hall as part of our effort to make worship more accessible. Please come join us for worship and invite a friend to worship with us.
September 11 Worship – We will hold our worship service on Sunday, Sep. 11, with the other Suffolk Episcopal Churches at St. Paul’s Church on Main Street. Worship starts at 9:30 am and Bishop Susan will celebrate and preach at a combined worship service for Suffolk churches. Please plan to attend and represent St. John’s with our local Episcopal friends.
Bette Raup Memorial Service – Thank you to all who assisted with Bette’s memorial service. It was a touching service and meaningful celebration.
CAPS annual fundraiser – CAPS will hold their annual fundraiser on September 18. They are selling tickets for Captain Bob’s BBQ for $13/ticket. Meals include barbecue, fried chicken, cole slaw, hushpuppies, and mac ‘n cheese. Tickets are available in the Parish office, by contacting the CAPS office, or through the CAPS website at Please help this worthy cause.
Worship Service Video – A post-production video of worship will be on our YouTube channel on Sunday afternoon. A link to the video will be provided separately. Our channel URL is at this link.
September 4, 2022, 10:30 am Holy Eucharist Rite II
Lessons for the Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost (Proper 18)
First Lesson: Jeremiah 18:1-11
Response: Psalm 139:1-5, 12-17
Second Lesson: Philemon 1-21
Gospel: Luke 14:25-33
Lay Participants
Chalicist/Prayers of the People: Marcella
Lector: Anne
Usher: Bert
Video of worship from Aug. 28:
Sermon from Aug. 28:
Sanctuary Rehabilitation – Dominion Traditional Building Group will began work Tuesday, August 2 on the Sanctuary. If the weather holds out for them, they should be done by early-October. There will be opportunities to help monitor progress during their work.
Worship modification – The Vestry voted during their July meeting to hold worship services on the 1st and 5th Sundays of the month in the Parish Hall. This will allow members who have difficulty accessing the sanctuary to join us for worship. We will begin the practice on the 1st Sunday in September.
Parish Hall roof repairs – Will be completed once the shingles are received.
Ukrainian Relief – The Episcopal Relief and Development is gathering and sending relief assistance to the Ukraine. Donations to Episcopal Relief & Development’s Ukraine Crisis Response Fund will help the organization and its partners continue to provide assistance to people displaced by the crisis in Ukraine. Please consider assisting with this call to minister.
Sponsoring Altar Flower – There is a signup sheet to sponsor flowers during 2022 in the Sanctuary. Please signup to help enhance the appearance of the Sanctuary during worship. Contact Lynn if you have any questions.
Thought for the week – Judgment: Jesus puts a face to God’s judgment, and it is a judgment of love. It is not a judgment of ridicule, rejection, hopelessness, boredom, or eternal condemnation, but rather a judgment of love.
– Br. Curtis Almquist, SSJE
Society of St. John the Evangelist
Upcoming Events:
Online calendar:
Online events listing:
Sun. Sep. 4th * Worship in the Parish Hall
Mon. Sep. 5th * Labor Day – Office closed
Sat. Sep. 10th * James River Rug Hookers – 10:00 am – 3:00 pm (Parish Hall)
Sun. Sep. 11th * Joint worship at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church Suffolk – 9:30 am
Thu. Sep. 15th * Vestry meeting – 1:00 – 3:00 pm (Parlor)
Tue. Sep. 20th * HOA meeting – 6:30 – 7:30 pm (Parish Hall)
For Michael, our presiding bishop; Susan our bishop; and for Les, our priest.
Meriwether; Allen; Lon; Jimmye; Diane; Ann; Carroll; Cynthia; Richard and family; Linda; Vicky-Ann; Cathy; Dotty; George; David; Spencer and Veronique; and Margaret; and the family of Bette.
Serving in the Armed Forces and Overseas: Alexander, Alan, Sheldon & Elizabeth, Bryan; and Brendan.
Parish Cycle of Prayer: Elsie
Diocesan Cycle of Prayer: Christ Church, Amelia; St. Anne’s, Appomattox; St. James’ Accomac.
Anglican Cycle of Prayer: Pray for the Diocese of Mississippi
Flowers on the altar are given to the glory of God and in memory of Bette by her daughters Linda, Sally, and Cindy.
Birthdays in September
Carroll 11 Roger 14
Anniversaries in September
Charles & Lynn 01
If you are in need of Pastoral Care
Please call Father Ferguson.
Home: 757-484-8409
Minister of Music: Roger Peyton
YouTube Channel: St. John’s Chuckatuck
YouTube Channel:
Follow us on Facebook:
St. John’s Episcopal Church, Suffolk VA