Annual Meeting and Potluck – We will have our 5th Sunday worship in the Parish Hall on Jan. 29. Immediately following, we will have our Annual meeting and Potluck. Please plan on attending and finding out what is on the horizon for us.

Worship Service Video – A post-production video of worship will be on our YouTube channel on Sunday afternoon. A link to the video will be provided separately. Our channel URL is at this link.

Reflection questions – The Episcopal Church has asked a series of questions to its congregations as part of the Parochial Report process. Part of our way forward this year will include a reflection on all the questions, two of which are included here: 1) What opportunities and challenges did the congregation face in 2022? 2) Looking toward the future, what changes do you hope to see in your faith community? What does your community need in order to bring these changes about?

Worship live stream – This Sunday we will worship in the Parish Hal and our worship service will be live streamed here:
January 29, 2023, 10:30 am Holy Eucharist Rite II
Lessons for the Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany
First Lesson:  Micah 6:1-8
Response:  Psalm 15
Second Lesson: 1 Corinthians 1:18-31
Gospel:  Matthew 5:1-12

Lay Participants
Chalicist/Prayers of the People:  Anne
Lector:  Anne
Usher:  Bert

Video of worship from Jan. 22:
Sermon from Jan. 22: 3_Epiphany_sermon
Lenten Devotions
– This Lenten Season, Episcopal Relief & Development invites you to join us as we meditate on the commandment to love our neighbor and consider the meaning of this fundamental instruction in our daily lives.
Join us on your Lenten journey. You can sign up to receive a meditation in your inbox each day or download all the meditations to read and share. May God richly bless you this Lenten season.

Good Book Club – For Epiphany 2023, we invite you to join us in the Good Book Club study of Ruth & Esther. A simple lunch will be provided weekly, please volunteer to provide lunch. For more information check the Good Book Club website. If you would like to participate, contact the Rector.

Sponsoring Altar Flowers – There is a signup sheet to sponsor flowers during 2023 in the Sanctuary. Please signup to help enhance the appearance of the Sanctuary during worship. Contact Lynn if you have any questions.

Ukrainian Relief – The Episcopal Relief and Development is gathering and sending relief assistance to the Ukraine. Donations to the Ukraine Crisis Response Fund will help the organization and its partners assist where needed.

Thought for the weekFound: Jesus will seek us out and find us when we are like a lost sheep. You can get lost in childhood and adolescence. You can get lost in a midlife crisis. You can get lost in old age. Lost sheep do not find themselves; they are found. Jesus will know where to look because he’s been there.

– Br. Curtis Almquist, SSJE
Society of St. John the Evangelist
Upcoming Events:
Online calendar:
Online events listing:
Sun. Jan. 29th           * Worship in the Parish Hall
                                    * Annual meeting and potluck – following worship
Tue. Jan. 31st           * Card Crafters – 10:00 am – 12:00 pm (Parish Hall)
Wed. Feb. 1st           * Ruth & Esther Study – 11:30 am – 1:00 pm
Wed. Feb. 8th           * Ruth & Esther Study – 11:30 am – 1:00 pm
Sat. Feb. 11th           * James River Rug Hookers – 10:00 am – 3:00 pm (Parish Hall)
Wed. Feb. 15th        * Ruth & Esther Study – 11:30 am – 1:00 pm
Thu. Feb. 16th          * Vestry Meeting – 1:00 – 3:00 pm (Parlor)
For Michael, our presiding bishop; Susan our bishop; and for Les, our priest.

Meriwether; Allen; Lon; Jimmye; Carroll; Cynthia; Richard and family; Linda; Cathy; Dotty; George; David; Spencer and Veronique; Margaret; Charles; Tia; the family of Vicky-Ann; Carol; Terry; and Toni.

Serving in the Armed Forces and Overseas: Alexander; Alan; Sheldon & Elizabeth; Bryan; and Brendan.

Parish Cycle of Prayer: Sarah
Diocesan Cycle of Prayer: St. Andrew’s, Lawrenceville; St. Paul Memorial Chapel, Lawrenceville; Mrs. Lynette Thomas.
Anglican Cycle of Prayer: Pray for the Church of Pakistan (United).

Flowers on the Altar are given to the glory of God and in memory of David by Carroll.

Birthdays in February
Natasha 02               Spencer 04
Roosevelt 12           Alice 22

If you are in need of Pastoral Care
Please call Father Ferguson.
Home:  757-484-8409

Minister of Music: Roger Peyton

YouTube Channel:
Follow us on Facebook:
St. John’s Episcopal Church, Suffolk VA