Happy Sunday from the Rector’s Study in Chuckatuck. Everything has a nice yellow pallor from the horrendous pollen being dropped by the pine trees, crape myrtle, and flowers. But beauty abounds as we await the first grass cutting at Church – buttercups, henbit, speedwell, and dandelion are scattered all over the yard – worth having to deal with pollen. In two weeks hence we will celebrate Easter but have to pass through Palm Sunday and Holy Week. I pray your Lenten journey has been fruitful.
In worship, we were given the reminder that our unruly wills and affections keep us from recognizing God’s grace at work in us and our community. Yet Christ came to help us realize God’s grace in our struggles. Our lesson from the prophet Ezekiel in Hebrew scripture recounts the interaction between God and Ezekiel at the valley of the dry bones. Ezekiel replies that God is able to do what God promises to do. Our Psalmist tells us (and God) that our souls should wait with great patience for the Lord’s coming. That our redemption has been promised and will be fulfilled in Christ. The Epistle from Paul’s letter to the Romans serves as a reminder that our earthly bodies, left to themselves will become vehicles of death (without God). We heard in John’s gospel about Lazarus, Martha, and Mary interacting with Jesus and Jesus’ resurrection/restoration of Lazarus.
A faithful life isn’t without it’s serious challenges. The life we live can be modeled after Ezekiel and Mary, Martha, and Lazarus. The life we live is buttressed by believing that God tells the truth and will act like God has always promised to act. Our growth comes from setting aside what we “know” for what we believe about God.
I invite your comments,
Readings: Ezekiel 37:1-14; Psalm 130; Romans 8:6-11; John 11:1-45
Listen at: https://audiomack.com/fatherles-1/song/sermon-from-the-5th-sunday-in-lent
Video of sermon: https://youtu.be/EtwS2-KYGaE
Video of worship: https://youtu.be/B5j3L5tCtCs