Greetings on the first Sunday after Tax Day and, in my parlance – Emmaus Sunday, from sunny and bright Chuckatuck. Today was a fun Sunday with two groups of visitors at the church, one before church started and one after. We are still a destination where people come to experience a place set aside for God’s purposes. I appreciate the buttercups in the yard and rue the droop of the rhododendron as the flowers become expended. I anxiously look forward to the chestnut flowering and blooming and the heady aroma of chestnuts. I pray you are well as you journey through this Eastertide.

In worship today we offer a prayer to have God open our eyes, not simply to be awed by God’s presence but that we might behold the redemption that comes from Jesus’ life among us. Likewise, we are reminded that we are reminded of God’s presence in the Eucharist. Our first reading from Acts is the continuation of Peter’s sermon to those seeking Jesus, “what should we do?” Peter tells them that they need to repent and receive the Holy Spirit and they will be saved. Our second reading from Peter’s first letter serves as reminder that God shows no partiality. God loves all of God’s creation – those who do well and those who slip alike. Our Psalmist sings the reminder that all creation is precious to God.

Today’s sermon was based on Luke’s reading of the disciples meeting Jesus on the road to Emmaus. In that story, the disciples fail to recognize Jesus until they witness Jesus breaking the bread for them. They realize that what they are looking for (in the messiah) is not what the Messiah is. Their eyes are open to the truth of God’s promise and our need to look beyond what they expect so they can find God.

I invite your reflections and comments,

Readings: Acts 2:14a, 36-41; Psalm 116:1-3, 10-17; 1 Peter 1:17-23; Luke 24:13-35

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