Grace and peace to you on the first Sunday in May. April showers have passed and the threat of May storms is upon us. It has been a beautiful week and the buttercups are back as the rhododendrons begin to fade and fall. This week’s visitors included a family of geese – 2 adults and 6 goslings, and a bunch of new birds in the yard. Out otter family has continued to play in the pond, making many people smile. We missed Roger, our minister of music, this morning – a tangle with his bicycle and the bicycle won. He’ll be back but wasn’t here to play in support of worship today.

We were invited on the 5th Sunday of Easter to remember that a big part of our mission as believers is to follow the way of Jesus and to share his message of hope and salvation. The life of Christ reminds us of the need to act, often without a full understanding of what we are going to do, to carry the message of hope to the world. Our Psalmist tells us that all who are created [should] bow down and worship God, because it is through God that we survive and make a difference in the world. The first epistle of John continued the theme of abiding in God and Christ so that we can share the love of God to the world. By being founded in Christ we have what we need to step forth in faith and do our work in the world. The gospel of John reminds us that all things proceed from God through Jesus. All the good that happens is part of God’s plan. Our sermon today was focused on the lesson from the Acts of the Apostle. Philip was driven by God to go to the road from Jerusalem. Philip followed the call and interacted with an Ethiopian eunuch, to help the Ethiopian (and Philip) know more about their relationship with God. The Ethiopian was clear – he could not understand without someone who would guide him.

Our mission is the same, to be with someone who needs a friend/counselor/guide to find God present and calling them.

I invite your comments,

Readings: Acts 8:26-40; Psalm 22:24-30; 1 John 4:7-21; John 15:1-8

Video of worship:

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