Sunday Worship – We will simulcast Holy Communion at 10:30 for those who will continue to participate remotely. Please contact the Rector to pick up pre-consecrate elements for at-home Communion if you would like. The link to worship on our YouTube channel at:

Zoom Coffee Hour – Our next virtual coffee hour will be Sunday May 16, the week after Mothers’ Day. Joining instructions will be provided by separate correspondence.

Worship Volunteers – Thank you to Jim for reading last week during worship.

Upcoming Red Cross Blood Drive – We are hosting a Red Cross Blood Drive on May 18 from 2:00 – 7:00 pm in the Parish Hall. Our goal is 25 donations during the drive. There will be opportunities to assist during the blood drive (and give blood). Please invite folks to give and sign up at this website:
May 2, 2021, 10:30 am Holy Eucharist Rite II
Lessons for the Fifth Sunday of Easter

First Lesson:  Acts 8:26-40
Psalm 22:24-30
Second Lesson:  1 John 4:7-21
Gospel:  John 15:1-8

Lay Participants

Video from April 25:
Sermon from April 25:
Returning to the Sanctuary – As the Coronavirus pandemic requirements evolve, we will return to the Sanctuary soon. There are some logistics we need to address regarding internet connectivity and remote worship. There will be future announcements as the day gets closer.

St. John’s YouTube Channel – As part of our practice during the COVID-19 Social Distancing time we created a YouTube Channel. For the moment, we share worship videos (both live stream and pre-recorded), but in the future we will connect classes and other offerings on the Channel. Our channel URL is:

Soles-for-Souls – There is a collection box to help this worthy cause in the parish hall. Consider giving gently used or new shoes for those in need. For more information see their website:

Thought for the weekNarrow Door: The healing and wholeness of God is spacious – as spacious as the Resurrection, the opening of every door, the rolling away of every stone. But I don’t think that means salvation is a “one size fits all” process. It is exact and intimate to the measure of each life. There is a narrow door – a specific, particular, and personal door – for each disciple who tries to enter.

– Br. Keith Nelson, SSJE
Society of St. John the Evangelist
Upcoming Events:
Online calendar:
Online events listing:
Mon. May 3rd          * Province III Synod 2021 – 9:30 am – 12:30 pm (Zoom)
Sun. May 9th            * Mothers’ Day
Sun. May 16th          * Zoom Coffee Hour – 12:30 – 1:00 pm
Tue. May 18th          * Red Cross Blood Drive – 2:00 – 7:00 pm (Parish Hall)
Thu. May 20th          * Vestry meeting – 1:00 – 3:00 pm (Parlor)
Mon. May 31st        * Memorial Day – office closed
For Michael, our presiding bishop; Susan our bishop; and for Les, our priest.

Meriwether; Allen; Lon; Virginia; Jimmye; Richard; Diane; Ann; Patti; Bob; Lawrence; Kim and family; Catherine; John; Vicky-Ann; Marvin; David; David; Ann; Leone; Carroll; Cynthia; Lynn; Richard and family; Dotty and family; Linda; and Bert.

Serving in the Armed Forces and Overseas: Alexander, Leon, Alan, Sheldon & Elizabeth, and Bryan.

Parish Cycle of Prayer: Don & Marcella
Diocesan Cycle of Prayer: The Episcopal Diocese of Southern Virginia.
Anglican Cycle of Prayer: Pray for the Episcopal Church in Jerusalem
& The Middle East.

Flower dedication
: To the glory of God and in honor of my birthday, by Carolyn.

Birthdays in May
Claudia 10              Margaret 10
Bert 24

If you are in need of Pastoral Care

Please call Father Ferguson.
Home:  757-484-8409

Minister of Music: Roger Peyton

YouTube Channel: St. John’s Chuckatuck
YouTube Channel:
Follow us on Facebook:
St. John’s Episcopal Church, Suffolk VA